Property str, name: str, rangeIncludes: List[trompace.StringConstant], description: str = None)

Returns a mutation for creating a property :param title: The title of the property :param name: The name of the property :param description: An account of the property :param rangeIncludes: accepts an array of possible node types for this content reference and can be used by the Component developer to limit the type of nodes (content types) that can be selected.


The string for the mutation for creating the property. str, defaultValue: str, valueMaxLength: int, valueMinLength: int, multipleValues: bool, valueName: str, valuePattern: str, valueRequired: bool, description: str = None)

Returns a mutation for creating a property value specification Each PropertyValueSpecification defines a scalar input parameter that the Component user should be prompted with when preparing the request for an algorithm process job. There are numerous properties that can be used to set requirements, type and limits for a scalar parameter. With these properties, a Component developer can set up the input field for this parameter. :param name: The name of the property value specification. :param description: An account of the property :param defaultValue: the default value to use for the property value specification. :param valueMaxLength: The maximum length of the value. :param valueMinLength: The minimum length of the value. :param multipleValues: A boolean that states if multiple values are accepted or not. :param valueName: The name of the value. :param valuePattern: The format of the value. :param valueRequired: A boolean stating if the value is required or not.


The string for the mutation for creating the property value specification.