Place*, title: str, contributor: str, creator: str, source: str, format_: str, name: str = None, language: str = None)

Returns a mutation for creating a place object.

  • name – The name of the place object.

  • creator – The person, organization or service who created the thing the web resource is about.

  • contributor – A person, an organization, or a service responsible for contributing the place to the web resource. This can be either a name or a base URL.

  • format_ – A MimeType of the format of the page describing the place.

  • source – The URL of the web resource about this place.

  • title – The title of the resource indicated by source


The string for the mutation for creating the place. str)

Returns a mutation for deleting a place object based on the identifier.


identifier – The unique identifier of the place object.


The string for the mutation for deleting the place object based on the identifier. str, place_identifier: str)

Returns a mutation for adding a place as the place of birth of a person.

  • person_identifier – The unique identifier of the person object.

  • place_identifier – The unique identifier of the place where the person was born.


The string for the mutation for merging a place as the birth place of a person. str, place_identifier: str)

Returns a mutation for adding a place as the place of death of a person.

  • person_identifier – The unique identifier of the person.

  • place_identifier – The unique identifier of the place where the person died.


The string for the mutation for merging a place as the place of death of a person. str, place_identifier: str)

Returns a mutation for removing a place as the place of birth of a person.

  • person_identifier – The unique identifier of the person object.

  • place_identifier – The unique identifier of the place where the person was born.


The string for the mutation for removing a place as the birth place of a person. str, place_identifier: str)

Returns a mutation for removing a place as the place of death of a person.

  • person_identifier – The unique identifier of the person.

  • place_identifier – The unique identifier of the place where the person died.


The string for the mutation for removing a place as the place of death of a person. str, *, name: str = None, title: str = None, creator: str = None, contributor: str = None, format_: str = None, source: str = None, language: str = None)

Returns a mutation for updating a place object.

  • identifier – The identifier of the place in the CE to be updated.

  • name – The name of the place object.

  • creator – The person, organization or service who created the thing the web resource is about.

  • contributor – A person, an organization, or a service responsible for contributing the place to the web resource. This can be either a name or a base URL.

  • format_ – A MimeType of the format of the page describing the place.

  • source – The URL of the web resource about this place.

  • title – The title of the resource indicated by source


The string for the mutation for updating the place.