
trompace.mutations.controlaction.mutation_add_actioninterface_result(controlaction_id: str, thing_interface_id: str)

Returns a mutation for linking a control action object and a thing interface with the result relation :param controlaction_id: The unique identifier of the control action. :param thing_interface_id: the unique identifier of a thing interface object


The string for the mutation for adding a control action to an object.

trompace.mutations.controlaction.mutation_add_controlaction_additionalproperty(controlaction_id: str, property_id: str)

Returns a mutation for adding a control action to a property value specification. :param controlaction_id: The unique identifier of the control action. :param property_id: The unique identifier of the property.


The string for the mutation foradding a control action to a property.

trompace.mutations.controlaction.mutation_add_controlaction_object(controlaction_id: str, object_id: str)

Returns a mutation for adding a control action to an object, either a property value specification or a property :param controlaction_id: The unique identifier of the control action. :param object_id: The unique identifier of the object (property / property value specification).


The string for the mutation for adding a control action to an object.

trompace.mutations.controlaction.mutation_add_entrypoint_controlaction(entrypoint_id: str, controlaction_id: str)

Returns a mutation for adding an entry point object to a control action :param entrypoint_id: The unique identifier of the entry point. :param controlaction_id: The unique identifier of the control action.


The string for the mutation for adding an entry point object to a control action

trompace.mutations.controlaction.mutation_add_propertyvaluespecification_potentialaction(propertyvaluespecification_id: str, controlaction_id: str)

Returns a mutation for adding a control action to a property value specification. :param controlaction_id: The unique identifier of the control action. :param propertyvaluespecification_id: The unique identifier of the property value specification.


The string for the mutation foradding a control action to a property value specification.

trompace.mutations.controlaction.mutation_create_controlaction(name: str, actionstatus: trompace.constants.ActionStatusType = <ActionStatusType.PotentialActionStatus: 4>, description: str = None)

Returns a mutation for creating a ControlAction. If an action status is not set, defaults to a PotentialActionStatus :param name: The name of the ControlAction. :param description: An account of the ControlAction. :param actionstatus: The status of the ControlAction.


The string for the mutation for creating the ControlAction object.

trompace.mutations.controlaction.mutation_modify_controlaction(controlaction_id: str, actionstatus: trompace.constants.ActionStatusType, error: str = None)

Returns a mutation for modifying the status and errors of the ControlAction :param controlaction_id: The unique identifier of the ControlAction. :param actionstatus: the status to update to. :param error: An error to set if the actionstatus is FailedActionStatus


The string for the mutation for modifying a ControlAction.

trompace.mutations.controlaction.mutation_request_controlaction(controlaction_id: str, entrypoint_id: str, properties: list, propertyValues: list)
Returns a mutation for requesting a control action

controlaction_id: The unique identifier of the control action. entrypoint_id: The unique identifier of the entry point linked to this control action properties: a list of the properties objects of the control action propertyValues: a list of the properties objects of the control action


The string for the mutation for requesting a control action.

trompace.mutations.controlaction.mutation_update_controlaction_status(controlaction_id: str, action_status: trompace.constants.ActionStatusType)

Returns a mutation for updating the status of a control action to an object :param controlaction_id: The unique identifier of the control action. :param action_status: the action status enum object.


The string for the mutation for adding a control action to an object.