

In order to connect to a CE server you require a configuration file. See the trompace.ini example file in the code repository

host = http://localhost:4000

id = local
key = PZsG+oEW3K3QOoB5z0f30InzjXdBqM9LMtJa7BTg1xo=
scopes = *
# If the server doesn't require auth, set required to no, otherwise it should be yes
required = yes

# A python logging level (debug, info, warning, error)
level = debug

Set to the URL that your CE is running from. For information about the, auth.key, and auth.scopes values, see the CE documentation on authentication

In order to perform queries you need to load the config file. To do so, use trompace.config.config.load() with the name of the config file:

from trompace.config import config

Alternatively, you can set the environment variable TROMPACE_CLIENT_CONFIG to the path of the config file and call trompace.config.config.load() with no arguments:

from trompace.config import config

Making requests

trompace-client is a simple wrapper to send HTTP requests to a graphql endpoint. The request methods can be used with a manually constructed query, or by using the methods available in the `Mutations`_ section.

Use trompace.connection.submit_query() to send a graphql command to the CE.

trompace.connection.submit_query(querystr: str, auth_required=False)

Submit a query to the CE.

  • querystr – The query to be submitted

  • auth_required – If True, send an authentication key with this request. Required if the CE has authentication enabled and you are sending a mutation. Not required for queries. The request is not authenticated if the auth.required config item is False

from trompace.mutations import person
from trompace.connection import submit_query
query = person.mutation_create_person(name="Gustav Mahler", ...)
submit_query(query, auth_required=True)